Reckitt Benckiser

Are You a Game Changer?

Reckitt Benckiser, one of the giants of the fast growing Consumer Goods Sector, is looking for leaders to change the world!  With the motto "Are You A Gamechanger?" RB Managers met with smart and well skilled university students at the high level universities in Turkey like Koç, Sabancı etc.


Can You Walk On The Water?

Turkey RBI's CEO, General Manager, in his speech roadshows Director of Sales and Marketing, established the campus immediately after the presentation in the pool, the students tried to walk on water and live an interesting experience.

The event, which turned into a festive atmosphere on campuses, was very entertaining for both RB and students. The Roadshow, which we met with hundreds of students, was also supported by our simultaneous advertorial on social media and became a successful project for RB Human Resources. We followed Roadshow's presentations at Koç, Sabancı and ITU Universities with a total of 6 cameras in 3 broadcast and 3 go pro cameras around the pool.The concept of walking in water, which we ironically resemble business life, provides fun moments to the students attending the event; She gave the chance to experience how important it is to be fast, agile and creative in business life.

# Are You a Game Changer?