
I Wish You Would

Mxthersocker is a contemporary foot garment that we had worked at the creative and the design part of the brand. Since 2018 we have been working for the creation of the Mxthersocker. And we want to motivate people to express uncoformity



Conceptualized and built on the BACKBONE OF RESISTANCE, angst and the ability to walk to the beat of your own drum, MXTHERSOCKER is a scream towards individualism. A scream towards you and your crew. A scream towards non conforming. What better way to lay the foundation to your true self than from the ground up? Let your socks start your conversation - BECOME A MXTHERSOCKER.. I WISH YOU WOULD.

The true mission behind MXTHERSOCKER is to EMPOWER YOU TO BE YOU. A nod to BEING YOURSELF, and owning it. INDIVIDUALISM IS STRENGHT and at a time where we are bombarded with constant images of morphing ourselves to look and act like others MXTHERSOCKER shouts against that. BE FREE to be yourself. It's ok to be A LITTLE UNHINGED.IT'S OK TO BE A MXRHERSOCKER!!

We created the designs and the social media concepts concerning the rebellious soul that the Mxthersocker brand has inside. Our concept was "STRAIGHT LIKE A REBEL". Our claim was "Iwish You Would" and the value proposition that we decided for Mxthersocker was contemporary foot garment. During this proposition our brand's emotional utility value was feeling awesome and showing the outstanding individual character.

The uniqueness of Mxthersocker depends on not only the feeling and soul but also the technical diffiranciations of the design. All designs were firstly made on the 3D models and this provides minimization of the manufacturer error. By this great approach to design part of the socks manufacturing we can say that Mxthersocker is the most sustainable socks brand at the market.